MacGregor EMC

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Faith In the Unseen

As we go about our daily lives, we see all that is happening, good and bad.  We plan our days and think we have control of our lives. We have this mindset, “nobody is going to tell me what to do.”  But, how often do we find ourselves thinking this and then something happens that we have no control over, and our lives are upended? Changed forever?

What is really happening? I believe there is an unseen world around us that can influence the circumstance of our lives and our minds as well. There is plenty in the bible that points to this truth, and we would do well to consider it. Consider, for example, Hebrews 11:3, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” This tells us there is much that we can't see.

So I ask you, what part does faith in the unseen play in how your life acts out?

What is the unseen world around us like? We are told that in it the forces of God wage spiritual war on our behalf (2 Thess 3:3). What would it be like if we could see the battles that are being waged around us? That we don’t know, but we are told that by faith, we can claim victory over the evil forces knowing that God is helping us. God has promised us that he will fight our battles as we trust Him (Deut 3:22).

I know I can't see God, but at times when I have been down, he was there assuring me that all will be well. His presence gave me courage and peace. Wouldn’t it have been wonderful to see Him? But I guess I will have to wait for that.

How many times do the forces of the Lord protect us and save us from harm?  We may never know, but they are at work even if we can’t see them. It is by faith that we know this to be true. We can take the example of Elisha and his servant when this army was coming to get them. His servant was so worried, but Elisha asked God to open his eyes, and he saw the multitude of heavenly warriors with chariots around them (2 Kings 6:17).

As we trust the Lord and claim the promises in His Word we can be assured of victory.  He doesn’t say it's going to be free sailing, but He does promise that He will take us through. Maybe we need to pay more attention to the unseen world and be more aware of the Lord’s presence and protection.