2021 or What I Am Thankful For This Year Part Deux

Last year around this time, I wrote a post about some of the things I was thankful for in 2020. My figuring then was that in a year as difficult as that one, it was worthwhile to spend time thinking about all the things I was thankful for so as to not come to think that the year itself was wholly a write-off.

Well, twelve months in, turns out that 2021 was not such a walk in the park either, so let’s start a new tradition! Here are just a few of the things I have been thankful for this year, in no particular order.

The Vaccine

To start things off not at all controversially, I must say that I am thankful for the Covid-19 vaccine. As I have talked about before, due to my congenital heart condition (which unfortunately has moved into its “advanced stages” in the early parts of this year meaning next year may be an interesting one) I have been in the high-risk category for Covid since the beginning. As such, I see the protection provided by the vaccine as an absolute Godsend. Does the vaccine mean that I am now safe and there is no risk going forward from Covid? No, of course not, that is not how any vaccine works. But what it does mean is that I am statistically in a much better position than I was last year to deal with a possible infection and that is not a small thing. Thanks, science and the medical system! My booster is mid-January!


Did you all know Shannon was pregnant? If not, well…surprise! She is at 7 months. Also, Noelle and I have just discovered a new game called “arm curls,” where I pick her up into my arms and do arm curls. Very creatively named. It is a game that does wonders for my self-esteem, being able to arm curl a whole person, but I suspect the day when it will no longer be possible is not far away as she is growing up so fast.

Speaking of Noelle, I am also very thankful for our education system. Noelle attends Nursery School twice a week and loves it! It was been a wonderful thing for her in a number of ways including learning new things, introducing her to new kids her own age, and also recognizing additional needs that she had and then working to hook her up with a speech and occupational therapist to help. I am very thankful for all the MacGregor Nursery School has done for my daughter.


I think that there is a fair amount of overlap between last year’s list and this one is a good sign of positive life choices! But once again, I am thankful for my town, MacGregor. I am always surprised at just how much this town has to offer. Here is just one example for brevity.

During the opening months of the year, the MacGregor Chamber of Commerce did a survey to see if there would be any interest in starting a daycare here in town. While a topic for a later post, I understand the promotion and development of childcare options, be they faith-based or secular, as being rather directly tied up with the Christian faith, so this idea had me excited. Fast forward a few months to today and the North Norfolk Childcare Centre board is now fully formed, fundraisers are being planned, by-laws are being written, a business plan is almost completed and a group of people who are passionate about this project are in place working to see this idea realized over the next few years. How amazing is that?!

I have a tonne of stories from this past year from our community that are like this one. Simply put, this is a town worth calling home, and that is something big to be able to say.

My Church and Faith

A third repeat! But obviously, this would be on here! This year looked very different for our church than those gone by, even 2020. Last year we were either open or not, so there wasn’t really a mad scramble (sometimes only a day in advance) to reformat the whole layout of the sanctuary and the service in order to adhere to new safety regulations. This has been tiring both in a mental and physical sense and yet it has been done, week in and out, all so that we could come together and worship safely. That doesn’t just happen, and so I want to say I am thankful to all those who have worked tirelessly with me to make it happen. The Trustees, Ushers, Music and Worship Committee, and the Board and Ministerial have all played their part. Thankyou.

It has been good for me, being a part of this church. It has been good worshipping with the people of MEMC. It has been good, week after week, throwing my all into a sermon because I feel in the depths of who I am that is what my people need. To feel that what you do matters for something, that is no small thing, and being the pastor of my congregation here at MacGregor EMC, I get to feel that. And that I am thankful for. Even as numbers fluctuate by the week due to everything going on with the restrictions, to be with you all when I see you… that means a lot to me.

I am also thankful for my faith, which has grown in new and interesting ways this past year. Throughout our series on Hope, then the Sermon on the Mount, the Ten Commandment and finally our reading of the Old Testament, I have through spending time in the word and with God, come to appreciate in new ways how the Lord is at work in the world. Appreciate how even now when things often seem bleak, there is hope for tomorrow. What God has taught me this year has gotten me through tough times already, and so I am thankful to the work of Jesus Christ for making himself known to me in new ways. I hope to share more with you over the months to come.

My Traeger

I reemphasize, these points are not in any particular order. Also, I want to make clear that my heart condition is one I was born with, not one impacted by the deliciousness of low-and-slow smoked BBQ. But over the past few months, I think I have gotten pretty good at making ribs. When the price comes down to the point that I don’t need to remortgage the house just to get a single rack, I hope to show that skill off.

These are just a few of the things I am thankful for this year. Also, I apologize that this is not a Christmas post, but I am on vacation next week, so it was either write this list now, or in the new year, which for some reason felt wrong.

But I ask you, what would make your list of things you were thankful for in 2021? I encourage you, after the year we have had, to make a list and leave it in the comments below.

Merry Christmas and I hope you have a Happy New Year!